Our core business is the fundamental element of our planet: the energy, through the major activities that influence the worldwide environment, like the siderurgy, the Oil&Gas and the Green energy activities.

Based in Monaco, a leading country which is taking care of different activities that can contribute to the preservation of the planet, we are involved in any effort that can help improve human activities’ influence on the world climate.

The strategic location of Monaco, close to highly technologically advanced countries, such as Italy and France, enables Sotec to be in daily contact with partners having the same goals of developing a sustainable energy for the industrial activities.

Our staff is composed of multilingual engineers, able to understand and solve the different needs of their customers, thanks to their technological knowledge of the industrial cycle of a component.

In all, thanks to the interchanging of ideas of our project managers, on each of our core business activities, we are able to reach an unique broad objective: a better, safe and clean energy at disposal of the siderurgy, of the Oil&Gas, and for the general needs of Mankind.

Sotec believes we all have the responsibility to do all the necessary in order to preserve our Earth for the next generations.